Chill Out Kids


Chill Out Kids! Helping Children To Relax!

Chill Out Kids!

Is a parents direct source to leading edge behavioural management, anxiety and stress reducing relaxation techniques for children.

The sole focus of this program is giving you what you need to help your child or classroom relax. Chill Out Kids! encourages children to develop a healthy approach to relaxing. Where creative visualization becomes a sanctuary, helping to promote restful sleep and a happy outlook on life.

We have found that the study of Cosmic Science for Kids touches something deep
inside each and every child.

As we connect more to the universe it reflects our own desire for ultimate love, happiness and truth. As young children we dream of a life full of magic where all our wishes are fulfilled. By connecting to the heart within each child they can connect to the magic of cosmic science.

Simple visualization techniques can be transformative for children (and adults), providing them with the opportunity to feel the magic of the universe and explore the pure and peaceful feelings inside themselves.

Chill Out Kids! is a gentle and fun way of introducing children to the world of visualization and relaxation, helping them explore their imaginations and their creative talents.