Welcome my name is Kerrace Alexander, Founder of the Chill Out Kids Project.
As a concerned social entrepreneur, adult and child educator specializing in curriculum development and delivery. I developed the Chill Out Kids program at the request my dear friend and co -facilitator Gerry Clayford -Beckie who was looking to develop some simple tools she could use while parenting her 3 children.
Growing up in a family where my father was a metaphysical teacher. I learned relaxation and meditation techniques at the early age of five years.
Being born into a lineage of healers, having attended several alternative schools throughout childhood along with developing a spiritual practice of comtemplation and stillness in my adult life.
I felt a program was needed for children, parents and teachers to cope with the everyday stresses of life by creating what I call special time for realxation and reflection. I believe that by creating space it becomes a lifesyle choice for families.
We live in a time where parents and children lead very busy lives and so what I am proposing is that as children, parents and teachers we need to build quite time into our schedules.
The Chill Out Kid's Project does just that, we offer monthly 1 hour classes for children at various locations throughout Vancouver, B.C. Canada where children can come learn techniques they can use to quite their mind throughout each and every day.
We also work with schools and non- profit organizations to bring the chillout kids program into facilities in the lower mainland of Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
It's a great concept that is so needed and is now being embraced by children, parents and teachers.
If you are wondering why Chill Out Kids is a project. Well we are creating a movement or a community for children, parents and teachers where children can be supported and acknowledged for the spirit of who they are. To know they are loved, allowing all children the opportunity to thrive in their world.