Chill Out Kids


How Children Benefit From Chill Out Kid's Techniques in School?

Children need to feel safe in school because pressure, stress, and fear undermine learning.

When students report worrisome levels of stress, pressure, and fatigue, it’s safe to conclude that something’s wrong. This distorted picture is made worse by the escalating incidence in both children and adolescents of depression and other stress-related disorders, which have dramatic effects on learning and social development, as well as by similar increases in the incidence of learning and attention disorders.

Chill Out Kid's offers technique to develop the full potential of children, unfolding creativity and intelligence and developing the full brain physiology. In addition, the techniques we teach produce a unique experience of physiological “restful alertness” that dissolves deep-rooted stress and fatigue, thereby promoting ideal health and behavior within children.

For Children ages 6 -13

Chill Out Kids! Classes will help your child

• Learn basic relaxation and stress-releasing techniques
• Develop concentration skills
• Promote positive self esteem and self image
• Become aware & manage their feelings and emotions
• Improve School performance and behaviour
• Have fun while exercising and learning to relax

For more information on Chill Out Kids Classes or how we can tailor our program to fit into your school curriculum, afterschool programs or children’s program please contact Kerrace at: