Chill Out Kids


Crystal, Indigo Children and ADHD

Children's nervous systems are so pure and clear that they get activated and they do what now studies show is normal they move around when they are stressed. They walk they wiggle they jump around the dance they move their bodies. New studies show that is what we should do when we are stressed. Instead of trying to sit there and pretend that everything is ok. This should be considered an outlet which is natural and healthy but what happens is it does not make for conformity in school systems where there is over crowding, multiple languages, multiple learning levels where teachers are stressed. And so these children who wiggle and move around are sent to the school psychologist office where they are labled ADHD.

This is a great interview with Author, Doreen Virtue if you have time to listen.

We Offer a wonderful program for Children in Vancouver, B.C. Canada

For Children ages 6 -13

Chill Out Kids! Classes will help your child

• Learn basic relaxation and stress-releasing techniques
• Develop concentration skills
• Promote positive self esteem and self image
• Become aware & manage their feelings and emotions
• Improve School performance and behaviour
• Have fun while exercising and learning to relax

For more information on Chill Out Kids Classes or how we can tailor our program to fit into your school curriculum, afterschool programs or children’s program please contact Kerrace at: